Winter Solstice 2012..

This Age Ends in 2012 on the Winter Solstice
By: William B. Stoecker

Repeatedly throughout history people have imagined that the end of the world, or at least the end of the present age, was nigh. This is particularly true in times of plague, famine, unrest, tyranny, and war, which pretty well covers most of human history.

Supposedly people were panicking in the eleventh century, and, more recently, prophets have convinced their naive followers to give up all their worldly goods or even committ mass suicide. But this time is different.

We are nearing the winter solstice, 2012 date forecast as the end of this age by the Mayas, who had remarkably accurate lunar and solar calendars, and fairly advanced mathematics, including the zero concept.

The last 100 years or so has been the bloodiest, the most tragic, in all of history, and that is saying a lot. Never before have we had weapons of mass destruction that can virtually wipe out humanity:nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons. These weapons are proliferating into the hands of terrorists and those states that support them, and recombinant DNA technology can potentially create even more deadly germ warfare agents. Never before have we had space flight. Never before have we had anything like the United Nations, which has done absolutely nothing to prevent or even reduce war, terrorism, and democide (its stated purpose) but which serves as the foundation for the dreaded global fascism of the New World Order. And the creation of the state of Israel in 1948 seems to fulfill an ancient Biblical prophecy; when Biblical and Mayan prophecy appear to coincide perhaps we need to take notice. Yet another Biblical prophecy was the so-called “mark of the beast’” without which men could not buy or sell; proposed computer chip implants, the ultimate convenience in a cashless society seem to fit this one pretty well, and can serve, at the very least, to track people if not to control them.

And the timing, the date, and the place of many recent events orchestrated by the global elite seem to point to the end. David Icke has remarked that even if we choose not to believe in sacred geometry and numerology, we should at least understand that the elite take all of this very seriously. If nothing else, such an understanding helps us to predict their next move, and they are becoming increasingly predictable. So let us take a look at the basics of the subject.

The Mayans, and many other ancient peoples, were fascinated by the planet Venus, whose movements form the most accurate clock in the heavens. As Venus orbits closer to the sun and faster than Earth it will pass Earth so that a line can be drawn through the Sun and both planets. If Venus and Earth are on the same side of the Sun this is called an inferior conjunction; if on opposite sides it is a superior conjunction. Either way, the next one will be 583.9 days later, and both planets will be exactly 216 degrees around in their orbits. This is called a synodic cycle. Note that 216 is three times 72, and five times 72 is 360 degrees, a complete circly. A series of five of these cycles takes 7.99 years.A diagram showing the orbits with lines going out from the sun at the conjunctions will have five lines each exactly 72 degrees from the next. If you then draw exterior lines connecting the points of intersection with Earth’s orbit, you will have a regular pentagon like the one in Washington, D.C. the latest addition to the sacred geometry of that city. Draw internal lines from point to point and you have that most powerful of magic symbols, the pentagram, or five pointed star. Note that the ancient Egyptians portrayed stars as having five points, and the human body has five major projections: a head, two arms, and two legs. Here is embodied the key idea of astrology, the connection between us and the stars. As above, so below.

But things get stranger still. The ratio of one of the inner corner-to-corner pentagram lines to any of the outer sides of the pentagon is the Golden Mean: roughly 1.61803 to one. This was beloved by the Greeks, and various ratios in the human body approach this ratio. In most cultures the closer the ratio, the more attractive the person is considered. Then there is the Fibonacci series:1,2,3,5,8,13, 21,55,89,144,etc. Each consecutive number is formed by adding the two preceding, and as you get higher up the series the ratios get closer and closer to the Golden Mean. A spiral formed from these numbers, the Fibonacci Spiral, is found in whirlpools, galaxies, hurricanes, tornadoes, snail shells, rams’ horns, and certain bacteria. If you extend such a spiral at right angles to its plane, you get a helix, as in DNA. And if you are beginning to suspect that this cannot all be coincidence, we’re just getting started. There’s more.

As the Earth turns on its axis every 24 hours, that axis slowly wobbles every 25,920 years. Often called a Great Year, this is almost certainly one of the causes of ice ages. This Great Year is divided into twelve astrological ages, and each of these is 2,160 years long, or ten times the 216 degrees discussed earlier. Every 72 years (that number 72 again) the axis moves one degree around this circle. And if that’s not enough, the average healthy human heart at rest beats 72 times each minute. It would seem that the human body in some way resonates with the solar system and perhaps with the entire universe.

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