Turtle: Stay loose, haole.

Rick: What's a haole?

Turtle: A tourist, a mainlander, like you.

Rick: I'm not a tourist.

Turtle: Whatever, Barney.

Rick: What's a Barney?

Turtle: It's like Barno... Barnyard... a haole to the max. A kook in and out of the water. Yeah?

You the Man Dawg..

Yvon chouinard is a revolutionary blacksmith, climber, environmentalist and businessman. He has contributed significantly to the sport of climbing through its community and its technical equipment with his companies Black Diamond and Patagonia Clothing Company. His initial writing covered climbing issues and ethics, but more recently has delved into how to mix environmentalism with sound business practices.

This concept of a slow company is explored in Yvon's latest book "Let My People Go Surfing." Yvon's reluctance to give in to the stereotypical capitalist business has been an inspiration to some of the top CEO's in America, even influencing Wal-Mart to make the shift to organic cotton. Constantly challenging the status quo, Yvon is a living example of why breaking the rules every once in a while is definitely not such a bad thing. His story has been told to the masses through everything from the cover of Fortune magazine to being featured by Tom Brokaw on the nightly news. He is truly poised to have his life story told through a feature documentary.